Friday, January 20, 2006


My name is Jelly, formerly 'Grace' - but that name didn't make much sense, so like any self-respecting feline with Persian ancestry, I had it changed, and paid big money to erase any trace of my previous identity. I own two humans who co-habit my home. I tolerate them. They feed me, and provide amusement by making noise. I am matriarch to two other lesser specimens of Felis catus and two Canids of questionable ancestry and intelligence.

I am a philosopher, a watcher of the world, as it were - and by means of this blog, I will attempt to enlighten you of the view - from my point of view.

My male human specimen assists me in this typing business - far too mundane a task for me to indulge in, you understand.

1 comment:

DreamAchiever said...

Hi, I finally got to your site. Read through all the entries to-date, and you sure are an opinionated one, albeit displaying an innate confidence bordering on arrogance (but then again, most felines have this trait). No offence meant, since I am stating the obvious.;-p
What I am uncertain about however, is if you solely give the typing duties to your male human, or is your female human involved as well? The style does seem a little like your female human, though it could also be because I am less accquainted with your male human.
Wishing you peaceful cohabitation with the other beings, and fun journaling your superior observations.